Sunday, February 9, 2014

We Finally Have It

My long awaited desire for snow has come. I am pleased. I truly enjoy freshly fallen snow. Not because I'm into some extreme winter sport, although I do enjoy a good ski every now and again. Simply though, because it breaks up the monotony of the every day weather, I rather relish in extreme weather conditions from time to time. Lose power? Candles and card games without distraction fill the void, and honestly, how can you not enjoy that? I do, with great pleasure. My son was born during Hurricane Ivan in 2004 along the Gulf Coast, and I can't remember one moment of frustration. We BBQ'd from lack of power, spent time with family in safer locations than home, and once everything was back to normal, we simply cleaned up the mess and went on living. I get a lot of grief from others, how they think I'm crazy, but I think it's what keeps us going. A genuine natural disaster is not fun, nor do I lack sympathy for those who feel the consequences of such, but that isn't what I mean.

I just love to experience different things in the everyday that you wouldn't otherwise really experience. Here in Tacoma, WA, winter is not very harsh. There is typically one good snow fall [I imagine this is it] in the lowlands and maybe one good wind storm. I don't mind.

So as the snow came down for hours and on into the evening, I felt the urge to take photos of a different kind while the moment lasted. It was refreshing. We walked into the cold, well layered so we were never really cold, and found our way to some tasty hot cocoa to enjoy on our walk. We stayed near home and explored our neighborhood, loving the quiet and time together. There was no way to not find simple joy, and the rest of the day holds much promise of fun.

I hope you're all enjoying it in some fashion. Whether it be cuddling, warm soups, or making snowmen, do enjoy it. Spring will be here soon, all in due time. So have fun!!

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