Saturday, June 9, 2012

The First Call :: Day 7

The weather likes to trick us a lot these days - We wake up with a bright, beautiful sun and we got to bed with a bright, beautiful sun... during the middle of the day though, it's usually overcast and often raining. That's Washington for you! :) We made the best of it today by taking advantage of the weekend and heading to Seattle to see a few new places, from Discovery Park to Fort Lawton National Cemetery, Ballard Locks, and the botanical gardens. It was so beautiful and peaceful, even with a few crowds here and there. We walked across the bridge over Lake Washington where the boats pass through, the salmon climb the fish ladders, and blue herons wait for a catch. It was lovely and completely unexpected. We stopped at the Locks when we saw the bridge from the road leaving Discovery Park and saw a table for us to have a picnic, so we ate lunch and then followed the sidewalk down to the water that eventually led us over the water and to the botanical gardens!

We had a wonderful time exploring today! The best part of the day was a phone call from Jeremy! The first one since he got to Kuwait late last night. It's a bummer that calling cards don't really work, 100 minutes is 20 internationally, so I don't imagine we'll be able to talk much until we figure out all the inner-workings and he gets settled for wherever he actually ends up staying in Afghanistan. It was amazing to hear his voice, it's incredible how much I love that man! Very blessed :).

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